Phone: (855) 703-4477      


More Patients. More Referrals. More New Business. Higher Insurance Reimbursements. Increased Collections. Decreased Downtime/Increased Production. Higher Quality Patients. 

The DAG Business Systems Immediately Increases Bottom Line Revenue With a 100% Guarantee of Measurable Success For All Of DAG's Enrolled Providers.


DAG™ Complete Care Systems - More Business, More Patients, More Revenue!

DAG's Complete Care Systems is THE simplest way to obtain more consistent and sustainable quality business for your practice. Everything you ever hoped for or wanted in a streamlined revenue generating System; ease of implementation, seamless integration, more quality patients with increased revenue - all with in-house staff gladly embracing the time saving and revenue generating aspects of DAG's proprietary systems that simplifies patient care and increased referrals. "DAG is THE best decision we ever made for our practice!"

Now you can simplify your business. You are guaranteed higher quality patients. This decreases in-office "busy work." Even your staff will be happy with your choice in the DAG Systems. Make life easier for you, your patients and your team. The DAG System guarantees more business, more patients, more revenue for your practice - while eliminating and/or reducing many of the unnecessary overhead costs and work-loads associated with the majority of practices now in operation. 

No Cost/No-Out-Of Pocket-Expense And At Least $10,000 and up to $40,000 or more Per Month Boost To Your Bottom-Line Revenue

Doctor Alliance Group's (DAG) healthcare providers enjoy many ongoing benefits through their enrollment in the DAG Business Systems.

Medical Doctors, Dentists, Pulmonoligists, Neurologists, Oral Surgeons, Sleep Centers, Pain Centers, DME Providers, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and more - all enjoy more patients, increased production in the office, better detection/health screening for patients, increased billing and collections, consistently more bottom line revenue, increased patient referrals, cleaner patient data, compliance to current and upcoming mandated regulations related to healthcare laws, billing and higher available payouts - just to name a few.

DAG certainly understands that the patients well-being and health is the primary concern - and DAG's Systems are fundamentally based on and centered in the fact that the patient must always be first when it comes to the level of consistent success any provider experiences.


We invite you to further explore the potential of utilizing the DAG Systems for your own practice. Feel free to discuss with us and further discover how our Systems are guaranteed to; increase your patients and quality of patients coming to your practice, enhance patient care, increase treatment availability with new business - equating to increased revenue and how our proprietary Systems can integrate seamlessly and simply into yours and others' existing scope of practice. 

If you have not yet had an opportunity to speak with a DAG Company Representative, or need a passcode to access your practice section of our website, you may call us at: (855) 703-4477.  




The DAG Complete Care Business Systems are designed to be easy to implement within an existing office structure and new offices are additionally mentored by other participating doctors who are successfully working the DAG Systems in their own offices.  

The DAG System is consistent and well received by patients referred in by other health care industries. Experience tells us that patients who are happy with the care they receive will result in additional referrals from their original referring source, this is an important aspect of revenue and relates directly to the long term success associated with your practice.


Medical Offices

The DAG System was created over a 10-year period and is mechanized and efficient. Medical Doctors respect this efficiency and consistency and are comfortable referring patients to a DAG System provider. Our Medical Doctors as well, are also provided ways through the DAG models to see more quality patients, while earning revenue with inhouse testing that was not previously possible. 






Dentists, once starting the DAG systems in their own practice, can expect production income to increase immediately. New participating Dentists can literally start making more money from the first day of implementation of our DAG Systems and add an additional $20,000 to $40,000 per month.

NOTE: As of 7/31/15 - our Dentists clients have submitted a minimum of $10,000 per office, per month increase in new business specifically attributable to using DAG Systems and as re-verified via 3rd party revenue production tracking systems and software. This track-able revenue production is additional increased patient and referral revenue that simply was not accessible before utilizing DAG's Systems.



Patients And Their Health

As a clearing house for patient data and as experts in the field of patient screening processes, DAG™ is committed to the highest level of patient care and the business performance of healthcare professionals. It is our mission at DAG™ to continue identifying and supporting the successful screening, testing and treatment of patients who can be identified through early detection screenings in order to prolong life, increase quality of life and save the patient from the expenses associated with undiagnosed issues. 

It is through the concerted effort of healthcare professionals and DAG™ that we are able to achieve these goals and create a better possibility for the health care arena and lives of the individual patients and the professionals caring for them.




DAG System features a "no cost/no-out-of-pocket", with a 100% Guarantee of Success
for all health professional participants.


Should a passcode be needed to access portions of this site,
please feel free to call: (855) 703-4477 for a temporary passcode.


I've been with Doctor Alliance Group for 90-days. My first week I grossed $7k in increased revenue. I made $$ my very first day. By the end of the month my tracking showed $19k and now by the end of my 90th day with DAG I've generated over $58k in new revenue I wouldn't have had otherwise. If you haven't talked to a company director yet you need to. Every day not using their systems is a cost in loss of business and increased revenue you could have had.

2 months ago I was given the opportunity to talk to a DAG company director about their complete care system. I was adamantly skeptical, heard it all, tried many things in the past that didn't work. I'm a changed man and a believer!! My first month I took an existing $40,000 per month practice to an $80,000 per month practice!! I literally doubled the income of my practice I'd been working on for the past 10-years - in just 30-days. Call this company! These guys don't mess around and neither should you!

Its never been easy for me to make new business decisions, however, DAG's complete care system with its income potential and guarantee made the decision easier for me to get started. I'm so glad I did!! Now, thirty days later I've generated almost FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS using the dag system and am on track to earn an extra half a million dollars over the next eleven months. Call this company! Get with a director. Get the info you need. The system works. This is real. Their mentors helped me and will help you!

There's a risk to anything in business. I'm a risk-taker and run a multi-million dollar per year practice anyway. When I was given an opportunity to get involved with the DAG systems - I literally jumped at the chance. I told my staff what we were going to do, they all got involved and in the first 120 days of starting I had already put over $90,000.00 increased revenue to my bottom line! The dag program will work for new dentist just getting started as well as for the existing multi-million dollar practices. Make your life easier. Make more money for yourself and your practice in the same time you are spending now! If you've been contacted by this company, or a representative of theirs, get yourself an appointment to speak with a company director. A 30-minute call - and I'm $90k richer than I was 4-months ago.

Listen, you come into work every day, you do the same old grind day after day, you make the same money you always make, you keep dumping money into marketing and advertising gimmicks because you want to do better and make more money in your practice -  that was me - three years ago. Just give DAG a call. Let them go to work for you. I did and all the better for it. I've worked with dag and their programs for over three years now. I average about $800k each year in trackable revenue directly attributed to using the dag systems in my practice. Do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to hear what they have to say. I can personally assure you that your time will be well spent. Call these guys.

I received correspondence from Dag for probably 6 months before I called the number provided. I literally get e-mails, faxes and all types of solicitations almost daily, I guess we all do. I’m not sure what made me call this one, maybe it was the turnkey aspect of the program they were promoting. I talked with their director for maybe an hour and he was nice enough but I honestly felt the program sounded too good to be true. My Dag contact told me that they hear that all the time.

I wanted to do the program but honestly my office was a mess. I am in a very blue collar town and the economy has not been great here. Add to that my leasing company was about to take my beautiful new sterilization center back as we just could not make the payments.

I talked to a wonderful dentist working the dag system in his own practice who helped me get over the “willies” and I did it. My wife and my accountant were both dead set against it but I did it anyway. After enrolling I received a call from this mentor who was incredible. This guy was a dentist who had gone through the dag systems.

I went through the training and the implementation and we did awesome. My staff got involved as my mentor made this entire process pretty seamless. We did 45,000 our first month. It is hard to put in words how much stress has been taken away from me. I honestly feel we will add at least 500,000 in additional revenue to the office this year. Thanks DAG for saving my office.


Using the login code provided by a DAG representative - you are able to access your particular industry information and client testimonials. If you do not yet have a login code to access this website and would like one - please call: (855) 703-4477 for a current access code.



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